Sally Blag Descendants
Saura Town Peter Hairston had a relationship and children with a woman he enslaved. Her name was Sally Blag, whom he purchased in 1785 for a barrel of tobacco. He arranged for one of their sons to learn to read and write and named him manager of his plantation. In Peter's will, he stated that Sally was to be cared for after his death and that her children would not be sold or moved to other plantations. His wishes were not honored. Following is a list of her descendants along with an image of the accounting record.
SOURCE: Sally Blag Descendants at Saura Town, NC - July 1854
Name Bdate Parent
Aleie 1831
Anna 1804
Banks 1813
Bill 1836
Bob 1831
California 1852
Cathanian 1849
Caty 1822
Ceity 1833
Columbia 1842
Dellara 1843
Dinkins 1851
Eblick 1844
Elies 1832
Ellin ??
Ennis 1827
Ennis 1836
Eristana 1847
Estes 1853
George 1824
George 1827 Patrick
George 1847
Gillblas 1833
Gillblas 1845
Gillevease 1797
Grifs 1837
Henry 1835
Isabel 1847
Isam 1851
Jackson 1831
James 1843
Jermiah 1846
Jim 1850
John 1814
John 1839
John Henry 1841
Judy 1794
Judy 1839
Julia 1828
Linsey 1816
Lip S. Buele 1804
Lisha 1846
Lissan 1848
Lucy 1824
Manurva 1841
Margritt 1845
Mariah 1845
Mariah T. Fork 1827
Mary Ann 1834
Mary Ann 1842
Merida 1838
Mima 1806
Mima 1845
Minty 1849 Patrick
Minty 1854
Pascal 1847
Peter 1839
Peter 1833
Pink 1841
Polly 1836
Polly 1841
Robert 1850
Rona 1850
Rufus 1854
Ruth 1850
Salem 1847
Salem 1789
Sally 1850
Sally 1807
Sally B Town 1824
Sam 1852 Patrick
Sam Hodgo.acu 1829
Slotus 1851
Smith 1826
Sophia 1831
Sophia 1841
Suekey 1824
Sully 1851 Patrick
Thena 1824
Thena 1842
Thena 1854
Tiler 1836
Travis 1847
Vall 1817
Vance 1831 Patrick
Viney 1810
William 1836
William 1848
Sally Blag